Sports Physiotherapy Kitchener


Did you know there is a difference between general physiotherapy and sports physiotherapy? Sports physiotherapy is tailored to athletes and high-performance sports injuries. Not sure if this treatment is for you? Read on to find out.

What Is Sports Physiotherapy?

Sports physiotherapy is an effective treatment specialty within physiotherapy that focuses on assessing and treating sport-related pain at all levels and ages. Sports physiotherapy health care professionals focus on alleviating the demand placed on your body that stresses your joints, muscles, and bones to the limit. Through sports physiotherapy, recreational and professional athletes can perform at their best. With assistance in recovering from acute, chronic, and overuse injuries, you will also gain education and a wide range of resources to prevent future injuries.

What Treatment Options Are Used in Sports Physiotherapy In Kitchener?

Your highly trained and qualified sports physiotherapist will decide on one or more of the following treatments depending on your assessment and treatment plan:

injury prevention

Early Injury Treatment

Early Injury Treatment includes education about resting or applying heat or ice treatment to the affected area in your body. This reduces pain and swelling associated with soft tissue injuries such as ligament sprains, bruising, or muscle tears. This can also include safe movement of the affected muscle tissues for your specific sports injury.


Biomechanical Analysis

This is an analysis of your body motion and physical function to determine the leading cause behind your injury. This also helps in preventing the recurrence of mobility issues in the future.

Strength Exercises

Research continues to show exercise is one of the best ways to recover from an injury, improve function, optimize performance, and prevent injury. We will design a custom sports and exercise program that focuses on your goals and needs. Your program will be easy to follow, safe, and goal-oriented.

massage therapy

Soft Tissue Therapy

This manual therapy technique focuses on treating the soft tissues and muscles surrounding your sports-related injury, which can reduce pain and muscle stiffness.

Muscle Stretching

Custom exercises restore your muscle length and the tension ratio in the tendons.



The insertion of fine needles in strategic points of your body relieves stress, tension, and chronic pain from various areas of your body affected by sport-related injuries.

athletic taping

Athletic Taping

Athletic taping focuses on supporting the injury, reducing swelling, and assisting your muscle coordination. As the taping works to de-load the painful areas in your body, you can restore normal movement of your muscles.


Joint Mobilization

This treatment focuses on attaining a pain-free range of motion with the ligaments and tendons that control the joint. This can increase flexibility and decrease painful movement.

What Can You Expect From Your First Sports Physiotherapy Treatment?

  • A physiotherapist will first assess your injuries. This consists of a series of careful and comprehensive questions regarding your current and previous injuries.
  • A thorough examination of the body will then be conducted. This focuses mainly on the areas involved in the specific movement pattern of the sport. Your physiotherapist will also request information about your current training program, including your weekly load and important competitions you expect to participate in in the near and distant future.
  • A comprehensive examination of your affected muscles will be carried out to identify any fundamental muscle imbalances that you might have in your body through a series of reliable and validated tests. Special testing will also be used to determine your muscle strength. Supplemental services such as massage therapy or manual therapy may be incorporated into your personalized treatment plan.
  • Video Analysis: This is mainly incorporated with runners and does not apply to all treatment types. Your physiotherapist will assess your running style and identify the pain that you are experiencing. Please note that during the pandemic we do not perform running analysis within our sports injury clinic. Instead, we ask that you bring in a video.

How Does Physiotherapy Work?

Your physiotherapist focuses on gathering detailed and reliable information that provides a clear insight into your capabilities and limitations. This information is crucial when putting together a tailored treatment plan for you. Through developing an individualized treatment plan, sports physiotherapy addresses the various weaknesses and imbalances in your body.

Your sports injury treatment will cater to your individual needs and goals. Your physiotherapist is committed to your recovery and safe return to sport. Our priority is to ensure you as an athlete come back stronger from your injury and future injury prevention. We also have a direct billing option with many insurance companies.

Benefits of Sports Physiotherapy In Kitchener

  • Sports physiotherapy identifies the root cause of your injury. Through a thorough assessment, your physiotherapist will identify the factors that have contributed to your injury.
  • Sports physiotherapy strengthens and improves the mechanics of your body.
  • Sports physiotherapy aids in injury prevention by identifying the risk factors for an injury and implementing a plan to address them.


Schedule a Complete Assessment

Call us today to schedule your sports injury physiotherapy appointment, virtually or in person!

FAQs on Sports Physiotherapy

  • Muscle Spasms
  • Lateral Epicondylitis
  • Medial Epicondylitis
  • Acute Injury
  • Muscle Tightness
  • Poor Blood Flow Issues
  • Repetitive Movements
  • Scar Tissue Buildup
  • Chronic Tennis Elbow
  • Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy
  • Elbow Pain
  • Chronic Injuries
  • Muscle Strain
  • Wear And Tear To Muscle Fibres
  • Muscle Death
  • Muscle Knots
  • Severe Pain
  • Ankle Pain And Ankle Sprains
  • Neck Pain
  • Muscle Injuries
  • Ankle Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow
  • Wrist Orthoses
  • Hip Pain
  • Repetitive Activities
  • Workplace Injuries
  • Knee Pain
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Forearm Muscle Stretches
  • Elbow Stretches
  • Eccentric Exercises
  • Stretching Exercises
  • Motion Exercises
  • Isometric Contraction
  • Static Stretches
  • Gentle Stretch
  • Dynamic Stretching
  • Regular Exercise