Michael Major


Mike treats people of all activity levels and ages from weekend warriors to elite athletes. He has mentored physiotherapists across Ontario as well as worked on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association. Mike also represented physiotherapists within the Pan Am/Para Pan Am Games Medical Services Expert Provider Group. During his career, he had the opportunity to work in a clinic side by side with orthopaedic surgeons and a physiatrist, allowing him to work with many people following complex and traumatic injuries. Mike has been consulting nationally since 2012 leading to a consultation of over 1,000 physiotherapy cases. This has given him a lot of insight into what Physiotherapy looks like across Canada.    

Prior to becoming a physiotherapist, Mike served in the reserves for 9 years as a member of the Artillery in the Canadian Armed Forces. He also enjoys spending time with his family, hiking all the trails surrounding Kitchener, running, and working out.

  • Concussion
  • Fractured collar bone
  • Fractured wrist
  • Fractured ankle
  • Fractured foot
  • Rotator cuff injury
  • Back injury from a car accident
  • Multiple ankle sprains
  • Medial meniscus injury

Cats or dogs?     Dogs.

Worst idea you’ve ever had?     Skiing behind a car.

Worst fad you’ve ever participated in?   Rat Tail

Do you have any kids?     A toddler named Maverick.

Last book you read?   Together is Better: A little Book of Inspiration

Most useless talent you have?     Sewing

What 3 things are you bringing with you, stranded on a desert island? A multitool, My Wife, and our son Maverick

Biggest Pet Peeve?     Clutter

In your high school yearbook, you won/would have won…?    Most likely to get stuff done

What song would play every time you enter a room?   Eye of the Tiger – Survivor

"It's not the size of dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog"

Christopher Stops
Christopher Stops
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I went to see Mike because I had over trained which was causing back pain. During the assessment Mike listened to my past history, understood my training goals for this year and developed a plan to help fix the injury. Over the following weeks he gradually increased the stretches and strength exercises, before I knew it I had learnt how to take better care of myself and continue to improve my mobility. Thank you Mike! I will be recommending Strive Physiotherapy & Performance to my friends and family.
Josh Garofalo
Josh Garofalo
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I arrived with a perpetually sore and stiff back, hamstrings that had felt tight for decades, and occasional hip and glute pain. Mike listened, asked insightful question after insightful question, and devised a plan. I did the work and left Strive Physiotherapy with improved mobility and pain free. Even better, I left with the tools and knowledge required to maintain my results and make further improvements on my own. I plan to schedule a couple of sessions per year to ensure I'm maintaining my mobility and to discover new opportunities to improve. Whenever someone grumbles about pain or stiffness, I mention Mike and the Strive Physiotherapy team.
Marie-Claude Malo
Marie-Claude Malo
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Dealing with frozen shoulders, I have been to several physiotherapists in the region. Mike Major is by far the best physiotherapist I've had. He is fully knowledgeable and can help you understand your condition and how to help treat it. I finally feel like I understand what is going on with my shoulders and how to proactively participate in my rehabilitation. Mike is hands on and does not use assistants and/or machines to perform treatments on his clients. This clinic will not book unecessary appointments just so that they can grab more money from you. Overall, very professional, experienced and honest physiotherapy clinic. I would HIGHLY recommend Mike Major and his clinic to anyone serious about a successful rehabilitation physiotherapy program.